Londone buvo gerai... Giedras dangus, žydintys medžiai, praskaidrėjusi galva. Ačiū, tau, mieloji. Tikrai pagerėjo.
Grįžau, trenkiausi nosimi į realybę. Nors ir nujaučiau. Bet sms'u?.. ("
Keliai skiriasi" ir "
Tikiuosi, suprasi").
What the fuck?Gerai, visi mes vienišiai. Ir visi su kažkokiomis problemomis. Tik kai kurie tai sprendžia.
Galiu surasti ir privalumų, ir trūkumų. Ir tiesiog pralaukti. Bet kaip visada, atsiranda vietos keisčiausioms mintims...
Todėl klausausi tango ir skaitau Terry Pratchett'o
Wyrd sisters.
Ir randu gerų citatų:
"... he was also one of those rare individuals who are totally focused in time.
Most people aren't. They live their lives as a sort of temporal blur around the point where their body actually is - anticipating the future, or holding on to the past. They are usually so busy thinking about what happens next that the only time they ever find out what is happening now is when they come to look back on it. Most people are like this. They learn how to fear because they can actually tell, down at the subconscious level, what is going to happen next. It's already happening to them."
Tai va, stengiuos nesilaikyt praeities ir perdaug negalvoti į ateitį.